Am I in denial?

4 Dec 2003
I drink 4+ cans of whatever the cheapest lager is a night very rarely without exception.

8+ pints down the boozer on a Friday and a good few bottles of Wine over the week with meals...

Normal or should I be calling the AA?!

Ive never really thought about it till tonight for some reason :o
No I dont need it but honestly I havent tried to go without it for a while....maybe once a month when I dont bother to go to the shop etc but I dont feel anything bad. I guess I just prefer cheap beer to squash! :)

Last 2 days Ive been staying with my mum. Last night brought 8 cans of Fosters @ £7. 8 cans or Carling tonight for £6 and theres 3 left. I dont feel drunk or tipsy but I dont think you can ever judge yourself :)
Well im 6 foot 2 and weigh 75kg - dont do much regular exercise - never smoked or taken drugs. I like to consider myself healthy but im sure if checked my poor old liver would be crying :o

*opens another can* :D
Behemoth said:
It's like the guy in the pub with photo of his wife, when she starts to look good, it's time to go home :D

Id live in the boozer then ;)

*hopes she doesnt read this* :D

Too elaborate more...

I NEVER drink before 11am. And only at lunch with a meal.

When not drinking at lunch I dont start before 5.

So since 5 I've done 6 cans of 4.1% - hmmmm doesnt seem that bad?! :p
GordyR said:
EDIT: I just questioned my father regarding this. He is a recovering alcoholic and told me that with the amount you are drinking you are considered an alcoholic. Apparently you are drinking more per week than a some of those he has met at the AA. Sorry to be so negative mate.

Mwhaha Sweet :o :D

My girlfriend wants a liquid lunch down the boozer - bleh :p
VIRII said:
Sounds like drinking for the sake of drinking as opposed to enjoting the beer that you are drinking.
Not good for your liver and if you don't have a problem yet you might have soon.
If you can't go for a week without a drink then you've got a problem, easy way to find out is to not have any booze for a week and see how it makes you feel.

Too be honest I enjoy the taste of all lagers equally - but im thinking a bit of cold turkey is due :)
Im not proud because I don't believe I am :)

I had 1 beer yesterday with lunch and none today and feel fine although im just about to open a bottle of wine because I can :)

I dont need alchohol but I do enjoy it :D
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