Am i in the wrong?

1 Nov 2003
Lisbon, Portugal

long story short, me and my shop manager. we don't get along. He trys to get me for everything and his big ego and bigheadedness is really really starting to annoy me....has been for while. Thing is, outside of work, hes a really great guy, get along with him fine, its just in work he goes on an ego trip and trys to get me for everything (i mean everything) and the other guy who i work with is so far up the shop managers arse he eats his lunch (literally)

Ok now today, admittedly i woke up abit late and i got to work about 2 minutes before 9 (we start at 9 finish at 5.30) whereas normally i get to work about 5 minutes to, so i walk in and the shop manager and the other tech is already there, and second i walk in

Shop manager: "Hey Jake"
Me: "Morning" (not offensive in anyway shape or form just a polite hello.

3 seconds later

Shop manager: "Jake! your supposed to say sorry when your late"
Me: "I'm not late"
Shop manager: "Yes you are, work starts at 9!"
Me: "It is 9"
Shop Manager: "No its a minute after"
Me "I make it a minute before, ring the freakin talking clock if you wanna be that specific"

now i don't no if its his idea of "managing" but in work he was fine before he got promoted from a techie as to the shop manager.

Now i can't talk to my boss about it as he's in hospital recently undergone a major operation.

Another example of what he did today.

Me: "Yeh just removed this one heck of a virus from the laptop can you check it over before i connect it to the network?"

Shop Manager: "Yeh sure"

...a few minutes later....

Shop manager: "Why isnt AVG updated?"
Me: "Because i just spent 2 days removing a virus which could have messed up the server"
Shop Manager: "Why isnt AVG updated!?"
Me: "Because i didnt want to connect it to the network"
Shop Manager: "Why not update it manually?"
Me: "I tried it didn't work"
Shop Manager: "Your lying and making things up again" and for the record i never have done.

and so it went on then in the end, i just stopped answering him and ignored him.

But he has wierd spells like this, like he'll be really happy and having a laugh and that. I mean we always argue at work, and then after work today we were playing eve and using skype, as if we were good mates.
Now i think the whole shop manager thing has just gone to his head and needs a serious reality check. Or it maybe that when the boss was around he kept a very tight ship (which i preferred) and occasionally he did shout when one of us did something wrong which is fair enough. but the shop manager seems to think he needs to shout to get things done, and as far as keeping us all informed on whats happening like the boss did, he just tells the other techie at the other end of the shop and expects me to be able to hear what hes saying (most of the time he mumbles) and quite often he claims that he tells me something when he actually doesnt.

What do you suggest i do? and i am currently looking for another job.
Jet said:
It's hard to blame him for being different outside work. Some people take their job very seriously and want to do well at it. He clearly wants to show the boss he can do a good job.

I think both are to blame really. You shouldn't really arrive at work 1 minute before 9. Likewise, his attitude is wrong as well. The best thing you can do is to do your best and not give him any excuses to snap, or have a word and ask him to treat you differently in return for you stepping up your game.

Maybe deep down he wants to do well at his job but it comes out like he is being hard on you.

i see what your saying, and in all fairness thats the only time ive done that, im normally quite prompt, from about feb last year till about october, i can garuntee he was late EVERY morning by atleast 15 mins.

i no its not the way to treat people - shouting at them to get a message - fair enough my parents treated me hard and it made me a better person, but its no way to encourage someone at work, who is trying to earn his keep, and is trying to learn and do better but when you got someone continually having a go then as far as im concerned its just not on. Especially when if the other techie does something wrong, he calmly explains what he did wrong and how to avoid it in the long run. and whereas me he simply asks why i did it in the first place and i ask how can i avoid it and he just ignores me. now how am i supposed to do well if he isnt willing to help me at work?
Balddog said:
This is one of the problems with people today..They only care about doing the minimum required to get by :/

I work my ass off for that company the others do 5 days a week i do 6, most of the time im there early (im going after i finish posting this) hes usually late.

Fair enough in the evening i pretty much always leave bang on half 5, but thats only due to the fact i can't wait to get out of there where the shop manager is being an arse
at work atm on lunch break, and him and brown nose (the other techie) are doing an intelligence test atm, but im willing to bet when lunch ends at half 1 they will carry on doing it.

I think tomorrow when the other techie is out on callouts ill have a word with him, so far today hes only yelled at me once...was for leaving the hard drive unplugged in one of the test rigs because i was ghosting a drive to a seperate one, thing is though i was going to plug it back in like 30 seconds later to run a virus scan on a different hard drive.

But today like any other day this morning he hasnt really done a lot of work, his daily morning routine will be.

Arrive late.
sit down on the server
write on his blog
login to netvibes and go through all his usual news feeds (there are about 30) this usually brings us upto about 12 o clock, then he will start checking the emails etc opening the mail. and then its lunch time.

now i don't no how you look at it, but thats not "managing" at all thats just a manager who because technically he is higher up he feels he doesnt need to do the work. and what really makes me laugh is when hes reading his news feeds that he has a go at me if i turn a pc on and wait a minute for it to boot up.

ill post back later if he has another yell....

i like the idea of keeping a work diary though.
well today ive been banned from working on all laptops as apparently i broke a warrunty seal on one before i dismantled it, which is crap as there were screws missing from it and the seal was already broken but i got the blame from it, so thats 50% of our work i can't even participate in.

part from that and the earlier incident its been ok ill have to read the whole thread wen i get home at 5:45
Phog said:
I've still yet to figure out why you are still there!

well tbh i wasnt meant to be there for as long as i was

long story short i got involved with the girl that works next door, so stayed there much longer as this was meant to be a temp job, now before he got promoted he was alright as sirrel said (he worked there for a few weeks) but ever since hes been on my case and its ridiculous

well i no what im going to do wen we've got nothing but laptops in....sit there and do jack, immature? yes! but it'll soon prove my point how stupid a decision it was. Plus i can dismantle a laptop faster than either of those 2 and repair more than they ever have, (i just seem to have a knack with them) they both faff around and often take one look and decide they cant do it.
Cueball said:
If the seal was already broken and screws missing - was it one of the other workers? Could it have been the laptop's owner (customer etc)?! It sounds like your boss in on a powertrip.

Are you still involved with the girl 'next door' and is she fit?

more than likely the customer as there were screws missing from it.

no im not

and yes she is.....very

ask sirrel squirrel if you dont believe me...hes met her
Sirrel Squirrel said:
:D indeed she is, does she still work next door btw?

aye they got another girl in now this one is a blonde

everytime i see them togethor i just think.....hmmmm....threesome ;)
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