Am I insane?

15 Jan 2011
Currently own an 07 gsxr600 with the relentless graphics, yet day by day i find myself wanting the new v-strom 650.

Im 19 years old, i want to tour and I commute on my bike a lot, so comfort is a big issue with the gixxer.

Am I insane for wanting to swap?


I have a track weapon so I dont need to go overly fast on the road.
Thats what ive been thinking, ill get so much more out of it. It wont be that much more to shell out I shouldnt think.

Currently owe about 1.5k on the gixxer 0% finance.

Its a 59Reg with 6200 miles on it, so hope to get about 5200 trade in?

Also I know he lady that does the finance for the bike dealer I go to, would be nice to get an extension/extra loan on 0%!
Get a Versys instead, fantastic bike and not quite a barge like the V-Strom.

Not crazy though, I did a similar swap from a Speed Triple 1050 down to a Versys and absolutely loved it.

the only problem I have with getting a versys.....the kawi dealers in leicester! Bloody useless they are

That sounds very sensible for a 19 year old!

But if you have a track bike then I guess that kinda makes the choice easier?

P.S. I hate to think what your insurance is at 19 on a gixer600. Mine was bad enough at 21!

Its £730 a year TPFT!
I guess i like the vstrom because of the comfort factor and the lumberingness(is that a word?)

also i can get the right 0% finance deal for it.

And as my only form of transport id like it to be very comfortable
I see where your coming from, but i bought the gixxer new, took the depretiation hit on that, but the strom is something ill be looking to put lots of miles on so would like to buy new and have that 3 year warrenty.

Also im going to get them to throw in some goodies, heated grips or something as well as the 0% finance deal.
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