Am I mad?

4 Nov 2009
Port Glasgow
After nearly a year on my trusty bandit I've got the upgrade itch once again. I was looking for something with a little more power and a lot smoother for travelling to work plus for some fun at the weekends ;) for a while I've been looking at the Aprilia Tuono, the more I look at it the more I want it :D I've got one problem thou... I've still got a year left of my restriction, however I had been running my bandit unrestricted for the majority of the year as when I did get one fitted it caused nothing but running problems, money and a headache. :(
The upside may be that it gives me the incentive not to speed :D I'm just concern that the Aprillia will attract a bit too much attention?

Here's the one I've made a few enquiries with over the phone and the one that seems like a good deal.

Just waiting for the finance company getting in touch with the garage to see how much it's going to cost me. I'll be putting down my bike as a PX plus some cash.
Insurance also seems extreamly cheap at just a touch under £400 tpft with all the extras when I come renew in May. Only thing I have to do now is ring up my current insurers to see how much it is to change over.
Am I missing something or is it this: If you have an accident and they determine it's unrestricted you'll... be in some kind of trouble? Obviously you're going 3rd party, but even in a non-fault presumably you'd be refused work on your bike... yah?
i know loads of people on bandits with restrictor kits on and it doesn't cause any of them any problems and now your looking for something more powerful, I smell bull, i think you have typical squid syndrome. :p
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I wouldn't like to be you if your bike was involved in an accident though, no insurance, no license!

The old system was a joke though, 2 years on a restricted when an inexperienced rider over 21 could do DAS and get on full power in 5 days.
But someone under the age of 21 could've been riding 4 years and have plenty of experience is limited to 33bhp :confused:
Am I missing something or is it this: If you have an accident and they determine it's unrestricted you'll... be in some kind of trouble? Obviously you're going 3rd party, but even in a non-fault presumably you'd be refused work on your bike... yah?

Its not just no insurance, its a operating a vehicle you dont have the entitlement to drive/ride.

So its what ever you get for no insurance, PLUS however many points you get for driving unlicensed.
My Bandit was a complete pig when it got restricted, it would cut out all the time in traffic and have flat spots where it shouldn't. Took it to different mechanics who couldn't find a problem until they tested it, just don't want to go though all that crap again. :(

I have pretty much decided I'm getting this bike if the finance is right and get at least 1400 Px for the bandit. However I'm thinking of asking if I could have one fitted if it's only a map on the ecu, it is a risk with this bike in case I do get into an accident with someone else. My current bike I would quite happy fix it up myself unless I'm pushing up Daises :D Seriously how would the Aprilia feel compared to my current bike unrestricted? As long as it can pull as well till about 90 for quick overtakes.

I'm not worrying about the speeds I can do, I prefer the twistiest as it's all I'm on in this part of the country. ;) The fully fared bikes don't really appeal to me at the moment plus I don't feel like sitting on my nuts every day of the week:D The bandits breaks and suspension are weak as well, wouldn't have that problem with the Aprillia :D Not to mention the look and sound, a dream bike in my eyes.

I work 6 days a week and need that thing to wake up to every morning :D (Since I'm single :( )
Its not just no insurance, its a operating a vehicle you dont have the entitlement to drive/ride.

So its what ever you get for no insurance, PLUS however many points you get for driving unlicensed.

Yup, thought so! Hopefully it's lots.

EDIT: Ah ok, I suppose the police/Jesus will understand that and be fine with it anyway :)

If you want to know how the new bike would feel compared to your bandit, go and test ride one... oh wait!111234 :/
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The fully fared bikes don't really appeal to me at the moment plus I don't feel like sitting on my nuts every day of the week:

Sounds like you have far more pressing concerns than running an unrestricted bike illegally. Have you been on "Embarrassing bodies"? :D
Just an FYI regarding unrestricted when you should be.
I rode around on a CBR400RR unrestricted at around 60hp for all of my 2 year 33hp stretch. No issues, just make sure you pick a bike that is LIKELY to be restricted and nobody asks questions.
I could have put the restriction kit on if needed.

tbh the rule was so easily bent that's probably why it's changed.
I got pulled on my GSXR600 a month after my restriction ended. Luckily i picked this bike up about 2 weeks before i got pulled, so when i got asked for my restriction cert, the copper made me produce the cert for restriction on previous bikes.

Do NOT get a bike and not get it restricted (at least at first for the proper cert and registration), its honestly not worth the hassle... You could get pulled for a spot-check, and when they check your license and see youre supposed to be restricted, they can ask for cert to prove it is... or i believe they can have the bike checked (? Need confirmation on that one!)

If you get nicked, its a hefty price you'll be paying.
I think I'd try and wait a year. It would be so much more enjoyable if it was all legit. I wouldn't want the extra worry of getting pulled I reckon. Anyway, you'll do as you like I suppose so I'll shutup now. :p
I wish I could go test ride one, full powered or not but as that is the only 06 model with a decent mileage just within 200 miles for me I can't. I'm pretty sure no matter what the Aprillia will still show up the Bandit it every way. Although if I start to get problems with the bike cutting out at lights, junctions and in traffic I'll be taking it straight out. More of hazard to me than trying to ride a 110Bhp safely. I put up with it until the second time I go for a slow rolling gap in traffic only to notice that my engine cut out as I go to release the clutch, then having to emergency break whilst leaning nearly dropping the bike onto the middle of a busy road... :(

The guy from the dealership got back to me today regarding the finance, borrowing £3000 over two years will be £106 a month with seems like a good rate to me. All I need now is garantor or whatever its called... I also spoke to him about getting a restriction fitted and he had a look on the FI website and said it would be £170, what a ripoff for two washers and some paperwork that is not legally required. I was in the middle of a mall at the time so couldn't hear everything properly but after saying I don't want/need any of the paperwork only for the bike to be 33Bhp. I'm not sure if I have to source the kit myself or if its a map on this bike but he quoted me £50 which seemed reasonable. Will speak to him again tomorrow and try to find out more.

I have decided I want the bike restricted thou just to be on the safe side if anything does happen. I'm sure with the 07 Aprillia a 33bhp map can be put on rather than a mechanical restriction? Could anyone shine some more light on this matter?
The guy from the dealership got back to me today regarding the finance, borrowing £3000 over two years will be £106 a month with seems like a good rate to me.

106x24 = 2544

... seems like a steal! lol. I assume that's with a deposit?
I'm slightly flabbergasted at the (lack of) response here. You are riding uninsured - insurance that requires a restrictor you do not have is NOT insurance, that's just a way to stop the police catching you. That is NOT acceptable. You are shifting the financial risk of you causing an accident from yourself to an innocent third party. If you cause an accident and someone's car is destroyed, your insurance company isn't going to pay, and if you are financing your bike, you obviously can't afford to pay either. Get your bike restricted or keep it off the road!

If you are sitting there thinking "Nah, its alright, I won't have an accident" then you have no business being on the road full stop. You don't get decide what is an acceptable level of risk for everyone else on the road to have to take.

Anyone else who thinks its acceptable and wants to have a go at me for this? Flame on. You're as stupid as he is and I give not a toss for your opinion.
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