Am I pushing my PSU too hard?

20 Apr 2004

I've got the following running from my PSU (Tagan 480W) and just wanted to make sure that I'm not pushing it too hard:

AMD64 3200
2 x 1GB Memory
3 x Hard Disk Drives
1 x DVD-RW Drive
1 x DVD/CD-RW Drive
Nvidia 6800GT Graphics Card
5 x 80mm fans
1 x 92mm fan

I've ran it through one of the online power supply requirement calculators which reckons that it comes to about 370W and as the Tagan is a quality PSU I should be OK, but I wanted to check other peoples opinion as to if it's upgrade time yet?

Thanks for any replies :)
No I dont think that setup will be pushing your psu too hard, I take it theres no big overclocks going on?

The tagan 480 is still an excellent psu.
Thanks for the replies, much appreciated.

At the moment apart from an overclock on the 6800GT to Ultra speeds all the other settings are at stock and the system is 100% stable.

I'll relax then and not worry about the PSU. No point upgrading until the need arises :)
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