am i root??



26 Dec 2002
NW London, United Kingdom
i want to write a file to a directory but it says i dont have permission.. How do i check if i have root previledges? I cannot remember using a different user name or password when i was installing ubunto.

can anyone tell me how i can determine whether i am *** root or not and if not how i can make myself the root without having to reformat??

where is the terminal in ubunto where i can type these commands? thanks as well im gonna take a look right now!
whitecrook said:
in unbuntu you'll probably be a member of the sudoers, so just do your command but put sudo infront e .g sudo mount /dev/hda1 instead of just mount /dev/hda1

can i set the 'root' password in an effort to be able to transfer files through the GUI or the ubunto file manager without having permission problems. if so how do i set the password for the root user via the command line?

Im only asking because i dont really know the command lines of linux because they look complicated and dont have enough time to learn it.
vonhelmet said:
I'd advise against setting the root password and using root to login or to use the GUI.

Can I ask what files you're trying to transfer and to where? I imagine that is the root (pun intended) of the problem.

im just using plone and it wont let me copy a folder to the /products directory so i can add a new product within plone. thats all i want to do !
.SJ said:
whoami - that'll tell you who you are

su - to switch to the root user
i can switch to root but it asks for my password and i enter that although its incorrect. why is that? do i have to set it ? do i want to ?

i just want to be able to move a file (folder) to another directory outside of my home directory.

how do i do this?
cb_linus said:
What are the permissions / groups like for the /products directory? In gnome, go to the file manager and right click on the directory and go to properties - who is the file owner & what is the file group? And what is the number view value (bottom of Properties box)?

the permissions are as follows: owner has read/write and execute
group: read and execute
others: read and execute.

it says 'you're not the owner so u cannot change these permissions.'
thank you for everyones help! i was able to move my folder to the correct directory using the command line! Thanks again!
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