Am I turning into an Ali tat whore?

8 Aug 2003
When I bought my car I had the aluminium effect indicator stalks and handbrake removed cos they looked rather Panda Pops.

However, I've just been outside and fitted this......


I'm really concerned about my drive to work tomorrow. Will Nova drivers point and give me the thumbs up? Will the sun reflect off it and shine in my eyes blinding me? What's next? Will I wake up one morning with the urge to fit 19" spinners?

Argh! It looks good but I'm so confused (not that way, NEVER CONFUSED).
Bobbler said:
I got a similar one on my car Del Lardo. Except in red alloy. They're great apart from tax disk changing time when I inevitably can't find the hex key or loose another screw :(

After recently losing the hex key for my bed when I was moving they are ALL now stored in a safe place.

As for the weight issue, I now only buy thin cotton t'shirts to wear in the car which I think will balance the weight :D
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