Am now having Doubt

18 Oct 2002
As most of you know I am a MBP Owner a 2 year old one... It is slowing down quite a bit and have already refreshed it etc..

I was thinking of getting a New iMac top specs one in the new year if they bring out a new one.

But this weekend I been playing on my in-laws Dell desktop with 24 inch screen etc and it is FAST really is a lovely computer for less of the price of a top spec iMac...

I just dont know what to do and wonder what you guys say... I know i am a mac user now and have loved it it bit and i just cant beleive it already slown down... Or is it wrong to compare a MBP to a Dell Desktop? Should I really be comparing a iMac to a dell Desktop?
iMac are due for a refresh with the i7 Core.

With your MBP it could be the hard drive as how they are written to. Have you tried giving it a fresh install then restoring your applications and files via Time Machine?

Also, comparing a two year old Notebook to, what sounds like, a new Desktop is a bit dumb. No offense, but the Desktop will come out on tops.
I have already done a fresh reinstall on my MBP...

Hmmm not to sure what to think to be honest.. Anymore comments from any of your guys? or gals
I'd say that if you've tried a Dell PC and it suits your needs, runs perfectly well for you and you are unsure of spending substantially more on the Mac, you probably should go for the PC.

However i wouldn't be surprised if you miss some traits of using a mac.
Excuse to spend money? What's actually wrong with the MBP?

My MBP just seem to be slow these days even after format and resintall everything and put everything back it goes slow....

Beach ball etc is driving me mad never had this problem before. And i have 3GB memory in it on a 2.16ghz machine so no idea why it slown down a lot. I though it be the hard drive having a lot of images on it that cause it?
Would be a good idea to investigate the slowdown before splashing out any money. Given the specification of your laptop there shouldn't be any problems.
Would be a good idea to investigate the slowdown before splashing out any money. Given the specification of your laptop there shouldn't be any problems.

I really dont want to buy a new computer at all really I really love to keep my MBP and get a nice External Monitor for it to be honest... But I am finding it hard to find why it is slowing down a lot. What ways can i search and investigate on why this is happening?

What is the best way to format and reinstall everything?
Have you considered replacing the hardrive? Was the cause of over-average amount of beach balls on my friend mac book once. New hardrive had it running back to normal. Few bad sectors can really screw things up.
Again, I don't see any point buying things blindly, without investigating the cause. Disk utility will report the smart status of the disk.

Have you done a hardware check?

Can I download Apple Hardware test? As I cant find the CD that came with my MBP as I bough Leopard about a year after and been using that CD as my reinstall and dont think HardWare test is on that is it?

When i do my reinstall should i really be restoring using my CD that came with my MBP then upgrade to leopard?
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Ok Folks Can you all please keep you tips coming in on how I can crack down why my MBP gone slow then it use to be so i can try and work out what up with it... I wont be able to do anymore test on the MBP till Tuesday or Wednesday now as I be away from home and not taking the MBP with me for the first time LOL....

I will be able to check here using my iPhone so i been keeping eye on thread :)
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