AM2 or Intel Conroe

13 Feb 2006
Im selling off all my hardware at the mo initially for am2, but obviously intel launch conroe in september reportedly and amd 65nm cpus for am2 around same time.

Question is, am2 is it worth going down this route with cheap cpu untill 65nm ones are released or is conroe gonna be better or is it all a load of rubbish and spend a git load on a am2 cpu now(kind of) and worry bout any of that malarky?

Did that make sense? as ive had a few beers now and could just be jibberish :eek: :)
When is a good time to build a high end pc lol!

Well im kinda stuck coz im selling everything so i have to build a pc, i dont want to even get in to gfx card issues im facing! same sort of thing lol
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