AM2 socket

16 Jan 2006

Needing some info on the pro's and con's of buying a top-end 939 Socket
system now compared to waiting on AM2.

Will the 939 system still be okay in 2 years ?

How much better will the AM2 socket be ?

I see other posts with people still buying the 939 socket without hesitation
so am i just reading too much into this change.

I have no immediate need to upgrade in the next month or 2 but as ever I
would like to have a faster machine (also going from AGP to PCIE).

Any comments would be helpful
Seriously, give it more than 2 1/2 hours before bumping a thread, people generally do reply...

AM2 isn't going to be around until June, at least not in any great numbers. If you can do without an upgrade for 4 months, then be the first to take up a new technology then by all means wait, but you're not going to see the back of 939 for a while. Socket A only just disappeared and that's been around for over 5 years. I would have no problem in buying a S939 system up until June, and probably after, as prices for old stock fall.
It's an eternal dilema for the PC enuthusiast! I would take the plunge on a 939 board if I wanted a system today. If I had one that would last another year I might wait if there was no great hardship.
given that the memory controller for amd processors is on-chip, and that higher FSB's aren't as beneficial as tight timings because of this, wouldn't having ddr2 for AMD provessors give slightly worse performance?

DDR2 memory is just regular memory at far higher FSB's but at more laxed timings, so where's the logic in all this? If I haven't made a serious oversight or error here, then I'd have to say that this is AMD pandering to the "my processor runs faster than yours by 1Ghz" argument, which they have been fighting against for some time. My my, I'm all confudled.
eatmuchpie said:
given that the memory controller for amd processors is on-chip, and that higher FSB's aren't as beneficial as tight timings because of this, wouldn't having ddr2 for AMD provessors give slightly worse performance?.

I was thinking the same, maybe someone more clued up can enlighten us.. :D
Well story is that the FX-60 is the last 939 CPU. So if you bought something now you'd need to upgrade your whole (main) system in the future for a new CPU. Having said that A64s are awesome so unless you need cutting edge tech for two years or so, you should buy now as the tight timings of DDR are very nice with Athlons.
Monstermunch said:
AM2 is just a gimmick... a way of getting people to upgrade for little or no reason. The only new addition with the AM2 over skt939 will be ddr2 ram support, THAT IS IT!

This is wrong. Yes, it will support DDR2, and it will support new virtualisation and a whole new range of CPUs with it. They're not simply re-releasing current cores with new pin arrays, but new cores all with SSE3 support, Pacifica, larger levels of cache and higher top-end stock clock speeds.

DDR2 on its own is enough to warrent an upgrade, although many thought AMD would opt for DD3, skipping a generation.
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