AM4 Mobo?

18 Oct 2002
I bought my son an NVME drive for Xmas, only to discover his mobo doesn't have an NVME slot (i didn't even think to check as I haven't had a board for years and years that doesn't have one)

What are some of the best AM4 boards around that I can hopefully pick up 2nd hand for him? He has a Ryzen 7 3700x that I donated him when I last upgraded, and a RX5700 GPU with 16GB DDR4 RAM
He has an Asus Prime A320m-r

I will have to check his case, he upgraded that recently but i'm not sure if it was still matx - I've been so busy with work that last few years and moved into more of a non-technical role i'm starting to feel lost :(
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