Amahi - PS3 Media Streming

30 Oct 2002
It's all a bit Reddish...
Hi all,

I've just received all the bits for my new file/streaming server.

I was intentionally going to go with a spare copy of Vista and just setup file sharing and install PS3 Media Server, however Amahi does look very interesting and I quite fancy giving it a run.

I'm just wondering if anyone has any experience with Amahi and PS3 Media Server (or I suppose streaming to PS3 in general).

I've been doing a bit of googling and uShare seems to be cropping up a lot however it doesn't seem to have the same kind of functionality as PS3 Media Server (Or am I wrong? :p)

Any sharing of experiences of this kind of thing would be great :)


My impatience got the better of me unfortunately.

Installed Vista until I get a chance to play with Amahi properly.
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