Why would Knoxx's DNA be found on Kercher's bra? 3 people were involved in this murder. Two are currently walking among us has free as you and I. That should worry you.
Knox said she spent the night of the murder at Sollecito's house. She maintained they smoked a joint, watched the French film "Amelie" and made love. Knox at one point told investigators she was home the night of the murder and had to cover her ears against Kercher's screams while she was attacked by a Congolese man who owned a bar where Knox worked. That accusation formed the basis of the slander verdict against Knox, which was upheld Tuesday. Knox said she was manipulated into the statement during a lengthy police interrogation and later said she hadn't been back in her apartment that night.
This is one gets me. I can understand someone signing something whilst under duress, but why would an innocent person complete a statement the next day, and a written confession a week later?
Guede side of the story is that he heard Kercher and Knox argue over money minutes before the Briton was slain. Guede claimed he had fallen ill and had gone into the bathroom with his iPod when he heard "a very loud scream" coming from Kercher's bedroom. He rushed to the bedroom, he said, where he saw an unidentified man who tried to attack him. Backing into the hall, Guede said he heard the man say, "Let's go. There's a black man in the house."
I know I'm right when I say knoxx is a murderer. I can only hope justice is served, somehow I don't see that happening now.