Amateur Lens for Airshows?

23 Nov 2007
Lancashire, UK
Got my first opportunity to take some airshow pictures recently and absolutely loved it. I did realise though that I was using the wrong tool for the job - the highest zoom I've got at present is a 80-250mm Canon lens, and it just doesn't have the reach to get nice big pictures at any notable distance.

Without resorting to silly money, what sort of lens would you guys pick out for someone with an interest in doing this, but still firmly in an amateur/beginner setting? Body is a 100D.

Thanks guys. Any tips on where to buy from/what to look for with regards to old lenses? As you can tell I'm very much taking my first steps into this sort of thing, so don't consider myself "savvy" quite yet.

Thanks for the replies. Camera itself is a Canon 100D. Will a 300 give me much more over the 250 I've already got?
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