Amateur Movies (not that kind)

18 Oct 2002
Dirty minds. :D
No I mean the type that have unknown actors and low budgets. How and why do these get made?
I frequent a few movie websites that have pages and pages of movies that have no bodies in that never maybe make an obscure TV channel and definitely never have general release in cinemas.. Who watches these? How can they be bank rolled if they're not making money? Baffles me.

For instance..
What does it cost to make movies like this? I assumed 10s of thousands. Hence why I couldnt understand how these funds were found.
It's quite simple really. If you want to make it in the industry as a (insert job here) then you will do it for free to get some experience. You generally don't just waltz onto a £200m movie set and get asked to hold the boom. So you team up with like-minded individuals that are trying to get some experience... there will be someone who wants to direct, someone who wants to act, someone who wants to be a writer, someone who wants to edit it. Before you know it, you almost have a crew. Getting people to do the boring stuff like driving to location, supplying the sandwiches etc. is probably a lot harder than someone who wants to learn their craft.

At the 'free' level it's probably easier. It will really get hard when your writing/directing warrants people that can actually act, someone who can actually light a scene well, someone who can actually mix your sound to sound professional. Once people move up the ladder in their career and are beyond working for free it's hard to persuade them. But there are tons of various 'assistants' still in training to do their job 'properly' who will do it on the side for the practice/recognition etc.

Do the creators realise their practice is watched by very little people?
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