Amature Photography

13 Aug 2005
United Kingdom.
Hi guys,

I have recently become interested in photography. So I have my Fuji Finepix F10, but don't have the same controls as a fully manual digital camera.

I am just curious if anyone knows of a few good websites I can visit that gives specific details on the the operation of the Finepix F10.

...or perhaps some tips with this camera to get me stated...

A good place for questions on Fuji cams is the dpreview fuji forum.

Search for f10 and you will get lots of threads for reading. I know lots of people there had the f10, even if they have moved on to the f30 so if you have any questions I am sure they will be able to answer.

By all accounts it is a great point and shoot cam and I have seen some great shots from it. So if you are just starting I would forget about manual settings and just go out and take lots of shots.
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