Amazing Cookies

21 Aug 2008

I am trying to re-create some cookies I have recently had on a vacation to Florida, we went to Disney and has some AMAZING cookies. I kind of got addicted and went through at least 2 a day :(.

After some research I found these are made by "Selmas", however I can't find a recipe anywhere for them!

They look like this : (This is my LAST one I brought back :( )

So they are extremely gooey and full of choc chips and I think little chips of toffee/fudge. However they are really THICK! how do they get them like this?

Im thinking they must roll the dough into a cylinder then wrap in cling film then freeze it for an hour or so then bake?

Any help would really be appreciated to recreate my addiction lol.

I'm enjoying the fact that you like the cookies so much, you decided to put one up on the wall, grease proof paper an' all!:p
I imagine they're cut as you suggest; from a frozen cylinder, though possibly the cylinder is wrapped tightly in foil so that each cookie has a wall around it that it's baked in.

+1 for 'nailed one to the wall'.
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