amazing new Crysis vid!!

Too many vids now, get the demo out already!

Seriously, i bet some people have seen like half the game with all these videos around

Crysis is not going to be as good Bioshock. Graphics yes, but as a whole game, I don't think so, Bioshock is extremely well put together and will be much more original.

Still quite looking forward to it though but give me UT3 first
Love the bit where he shoots the trucks tire out, it flips over and up and he gets ready to grab it. Truly awesome :D
Crysis is not going to be as good Bioshock. Graphics yes, but as a whole game, I don't think so, Bioshock is extremely well put together and will be much more original.

Still quite looking forward to it though but give me UT3 first

OK, thanks.
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