Amazon delivery driver gets stuck on my grass

8 Sep 2014
I was out earlier today when I had a notification on my cameras, initially saw three youths helping themselves to something from outside my sheds. Jumped in the car and headed home to find rather than someone robbing me there was an amazon delivery, consisting of three young lads, who had driven on the lawn to turn around rather than use the ample hardstanding and had gotten stuck.

The young lad claimed that he had driven onto some bricks which edge the grass and started sliding, however watching the camera footage its clear he intentionally drove onto the grass and predictably got stuck. Que 30mins of entertaining footage of them trying to push the van, emptying it of parcels (because that was going to make the difference), and then raiding my wood store to try to put something under the wheels.

I towed them out with the 4x4 and sent them on their way. Having seen the footage though I'm not very happy as it was clearly an intentional idiotic thing to do, not an accident. They have left some decent ruts in the grass, not too much work to sort out but still.

I have the whole thing on cctv (ironically ring cameras), including the driver stood outside my door with his hands down his pants... In terms of health and safety, there was no pretence of masks or social distancing from these three clowns, nice to know he's also fondling himself between deliveries.

Now GD what would you do? Unfortunately, not knowing their addresses I don't think I can poo through their letterboxes.
if they seriously thought that would help I'm gonna say driving on the grass wasn't done with malice and they're just dafties!

When I got back and towed them out they didn't have a towing eye and one of them suggested I connect the tow rope to the bit of steel that the rear door latch clips to... So maybe yeah just idiots. They were young, driver probably only just old enough to rent a van.
You had best think carefully before taking this further - he sounds gangster.

he does look it...

I can't see any warning signs about your grass being unsuitable for motor vehicles. Are you sure that they can't sure you?

As it happens there is a sign on the private track just before you come down the drive saying "please keep off the grass" put there by one of my neighbours, not me. Always found that a bit odd, who needs to be told not to drive on the grass? Apparently I was wrong.
He's trying to turn round to go back down the road. So yeah, just a dafty. The grass is flat and it's not water, so what could go wrong?

When there are more cars parked on the drive delivery drivers do have to reverse back up the driveway, in the past we've had grass churned up or plants damaged where they've not been able to stay on the track. On one occasion a driver left most of their wingmirror on the drive. Shocking how poor some of these delivery drivers are at manoeuvring. Given that I try and park so that there is plenty of space to turn so that drivers can spin around and not face a long reverse up a hill and around a bend.

With only the camper and range rover on the drive there is space to spin around a much bigger van if you are not a complete idiot. Why would he choose to turn left onto grass when there is hardstanding on his right?
Personally I would just leave it. It doesn't look like there was any malice, just made a mistake. You report them, they potentially lose their jobs over a mistake, and who knows if they decide to come back and 'get revenge'. Bigger things to worry about in life

Yeah, agree there are bigger things. What has wound me up is that they didnt apologise and that they said he pulled on to the bricks which border the grass and then slid that far on. When in reality he drove straight onto the grass intentionally.

Stupid thing thing to have done but also to me shows a lack of respect for other peoples property.

Meh, bag of topsoil will sort it, or two. The ruts are almost a foot deep!
They're not going to be the brightest of sparks.

Did they not get out to try and push the van? It doesn't look that stuck, or that far onto the grass that it wouldn't be possible to push backwards.

They did try and push, then tried to put wood under the wheels, then emptied the van, pushed a bit more, reloaded the van, then stood around fondling themselves until I towed them out.

They werent exactly big lads but i would have thought it would have come out from a decent push and some carboard under the wheels. Probably good they didnt try harder, would have either made a bigger mess or ended up with the van in the pond at the bottom of the garden.
I think you should cry on here, instead of telling amazon

Posted for amusement of others and opinions.

Seems there is a split between complain and get amazon to pay for damage and just leave it as it wasnt malicious.

I am a cross that there was no hint of apology. If Id done that I would have been far more contrite.

These lads were total numpties. When they didn't have a towing eye and were asking where to attach the rope, I regret not telling them to jump in the back and hold it while I tow them. They would have done it.
Maybe have a fence up to stop that kind of thing?
You need a sign saying no going on the grass or even better get a fence up.

Would you really put a sign up? As stated above their is one before you come down the drive saying keep off the grass. Maybe we need repeaters. Potentially a couple of speed limit signs to encourage some of the faster drivers who speed up and down. Maybe a mind your step sign on the stone steps up to the house.

I would continue the wall across but this is the route onto the lawn for the ride on, and very large vehicles can use this to spin around if they engage their brain and don't put the driven wheels onto the wet grass. If they had needed the space to reverse back onto they would have been fine, left a couple of tread marks not a foot deep hole.
There was a time when people had the common sense to turn around on the driveway not the grass.

The hundreds of other delivery drivers that have been have managed it.

Anyway, just filled the ruts with a couple of bags of topsoil. Will come back in spring.
Pee dance? Is that a thing? :-)

Im going to move the greenhouse and build a patio in its place, resurface the driveway etc. Might put something to block access to the grass like stone or plants, or even just raise the border a bit, although maybe a trip hazard. Patio where greenhouse is will also double as extra space to turn if needed.
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