Amazon delivery instructions

Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
Hi you wonderful humans.

I need to change my special instructions quickly from "Please leave items in the blue bin behind the gate" to "Please leave items in the blue or grey bin behind the gate".
Now I know it says the former because only last week I asked a driver what it said on the special instructions.
After about 10 years I want to change it but I can't find it.
Google takes me to different places eg
Go to the last order you made and click on tracking
Go to account, edit address and click on delivery instructions

Neither of these allows me to put my own instructions in, I just get standard things I can tick on like 'Side of the wheelie bin' or 'Leave at the front door' etc.

Does anybody know exactly where my old instructions are so I can change a couple of words please?
Account>addresses>click add delivery instructions under the box with your address in. It has some pre made options but I check leave with neighbour and just fill it in with whatever instruction you want, not necessarily the neighbours name and number.

Also, when you're at the checkout you can add your own instructions.

It doesn't allow you to put your own instructions in, I said that in the OP
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