Amazon Healthcare

This is an American thing, hasn't reached the UK (yet).

Though I would certainly welcome competition to the NHS, the monopoly that the government have created has crushed the private market meaning we are all stuck with the same poor level of healthcare regardless of the ability to pay, which of course is the classical outcome of any socialist system, everyone ends up equally worse off.
* only when handled by capitalists with an agenda, as is the case with our NHS. Heck, at one point, our Health Secretary was the same person who wrote the book on how to dismantle the NHS.

We're not seeing the same system failing the Scandinavian and Canadian populace - so it CAN work.
Our American brothers and sisters are currently suffering through one of the worst financially predatory healthcare systems in the modern world, where a good number of them are but a sickness away from bankruptcy.

One thing that Amazon has the potential to do here, and this is me with my positive-thinking cap on, is to shake the entire industry the same way it did for high street stores.

If Amazon can lower the prices, raise the quality of service, and pretty much create a brand new "standard", then that would be a good thing compared to what Americans have now which is a "Oh I'm sick, let me take a look at which clinics/hospitals my insurer tells me I can go to, oh it's 20 miles away, nice" system.
it seems like the NHS is treated as a holy cow in the UK and whenever privatisation is brought up the go-to reaction is along the lines of but but 'merica... yet even the most hardcore Tory MPs don't appear to have any desire to go down that route of bloated administration, high insurance costs etc.

Very fair points you mentioned. Alas, you can't blame people for making comparisons to America when the government are ready to sell the delivery of NHS to American healthcare companies. It's obviously a part of post-Brexit trade deals understandably, but the Conservative's track record when making deals is always about what they can get away with.

Also, the NHS is indeed a holy cow. We need to move away from the thought that an institution designed and built to protect the citizens of the country, is something easily sacrificed. A healthy populace can only be a benefit to the wellbeing of the country. I also understand that this is in direct contradiction to the UK majority of right-wing thinking where it's "survival of the fittest".

Not an easy situation. But going back to the Amazon topic, I for one would welcome competition in the UK in the form of Amazon, especially if we're talking about adding an option to UK citizens to get better healthcare.
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