Amazon Lovefilm

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
23 Dec 2002
I have an AmazonLovefilm account, primarily to make us of the Blu-ray to home rental.

Does anyone know if it's possible to pay for only the movie rental and ignore their streaming capability (content is not wonderful)?
I am going to do the same. CBA with streaming from LF. Got Sky on demand which we don't really use much either.
Only use the unlimited discs
Was a bit of a hassle when they bought love film

I do not like the Amazon way of handling it all
I pay £4 a month for 2 disc unlimited - just try cancelling the streaming bit in your Amazon account.


Can I ask how you are still only paying £4, I was as well up until most subscribers on this package got a email to say the price was changing to £6.99.

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Can I ask how you are still only paying £4, I was as well up until most subscribers on this package got a email to say the price was changing to £6.99.


I cancelled the streaming part when they first took over and have been paying £4 ever since.
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