Amazon Prime TV app letdown

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Evening all,

Is it me or is the Amazon TV app absolute cack? It's installed on both the PS4 and the TV and both only show maybe 10 things to watch? Grand Tour, Fleabag and a few other things. However, using the website, hundreds of options.

We've spoken to Amazon support but they gave a generic "this is how the app is designed"... I seriously doubt people are happy with 10 things to watch if they bought prime to watch it on a console!?!!?

Is anyone else getting the same?
I get this sort of selection when I go abroad and open up the Prime app on my phone (from memory). Maybe a problem with geographical settings?

Prime is rubbish lately, though. Had Prime as my only TV service (including terrestrial tv - not hooked up) for about a year and was happy with it, but since getting Netflix as well I've found I barely watch Prime.

That's what I'm thinking, I'll grab a picture later. The account is set in the US, but was opened in the UK.

I'll contact their support again today.
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