I currently have a AMD 64 3000, what graphics card would you recomend to match with this where the CPU wont be the bottleneck?
At the moment I have a 9800pro 128mb(OC'd and XT Flashed) which does ok for anything upto 1024x786, but now I want more FPS, and ideally higher res.
(I dont mind going PCI-e - ie forking out for a new MB)
Specifically I am looking for good value for money here, so please dont recomend things like 2(SLI)xDUAL 7800GTX
At the moment I have a 9800pro 128mb(OC'd and XT Flashed) which does ok for anything upto 1024x786, but now I want more FPS, and ideally higher res.
(I dont mind going PCI-e - ie forking out for a new MB)
Specifically I am looking for good value for money here, so please dont recomend things like 2(SLI)xDUAL 7800GTX