Hi got the above CPU and been playing with the overclocking 1st timer for overclocking.
I have gone into bios and changed the memory to 200mhz and increased the HTT/FSB to 215 approz and pc started 1st time with new cpu at 2.380mhz.
Is it that easy ? I know ablout the heat and im running a stock cooler so will keep an eye on that. Should I just keep increasing the HTT/FSB till it bombs out?
Any other suggestions as it seemed so easy.
I have gone into bios and changed the memory to 200mhz and increased the HTT/FSB to 215 approz and pc started 1st time with new cpu at 2.380mhz.
Is it that easy ? I know ablout the heat and im running a stock cooler so will keep an eye on that. Should I just keep increasing the HTT/FSB till it bombs out?
Any other suggestions as it seemed so easy.