you are tired of heating how nVidia has pushing Cuda support into everything then I have some good news for you. The guys over at AMD have penned a deal with Pixelux. They guys are the one that developed the Digital Molecular Matter engine they have (and still are) a key part of the way Lucas Film and Lucas Arts create effects.
Recently Pixelux was allowed to release an end user plug-in version of DMM for Maya that allows pretty much anyone (that can afford and use Maya) to create effects the same way the Pixelux does.
So what does this have to do with AMD? Well you see AMD in their usual fashion has been pushing an open platform; this is OpenCL (Cuda is also OpenCL just nVidia’s version). Well Pixelux is now going to work with AMD to develop OpenCL acceleration for their DMM engine.
This is a very cool development for AMD. Normally they end up taking a back seat to the much more vocal companies like Intel and nVidia. This time they are the ones getting the support for an industry standard rendering application and one that could lead to more.