I have a new 5800X build and I am trying to catch the reason why I
CAN run:
2x8 GB Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 3600MHz default XMP 18-22-22-42 and 1.35V, FCLK 1800,but I
CANT run:
The same memory, but upgraded to 32GB (4x8GB) @ 3600MHz, again all default XMP. Just a side note which doesnt matter IMO, its 2x8 GB kits purchased separately, different ram chips maker. But Aida64 shows to the point exact specs for all 4x8 GB modules.
So with 4x8GB the RAMs simply will not function correctly @ 3600MHz and FCLK 1800. I will boot to Windows, but will not pass Aida 64 stress test.
With all set to 3200MHz and best possible timings of 16-16-16-36 and FCLK 1600 all is rock solid and pass Aida64 stress test.
Also, from the attached picture 2 things worry me:
1. In contrast to above young mans 3500X why on earth my 5800Xs L3 Cache is so low??
2. Why is my North Bridge Clock Data missing from the appropriate field?
Appreciate any input in advance!