mmmm, this is a bit of a sore subject for me.
Right first off.
Don't believe the crap about stability problems, AMD driver in *nix have been fine for that for 6+ years(5870 release time)
Performance!! (Games/OpenGL), well. This cant be hit and miss tbh. It game dependant too, not like the differences in windows is between Nv/AMD.
To give you an idea, All @ 1440p
Borderlands pre-sequal 90 ish fps All max bar NV stuff. AA x8
Bioshock Inf 60 ish all max. AA dont remember
Civ-BE 60 solid all max . Will disable vsync later and edit this post.
Source games fly , L4D2 is well in the hundreds.
Ok looking fine you may think.....
Dying light. 20 ish all low also dropped res to 1080. (This is outside, fine inside
See the problem . There is a couple of others, But now we seem to be getting some demanding games this is were AMD are failing.
With Shadows of mordor, Killing floor 2, Batman + a few other heavy games I feel will show AMD's weakness.
To note Unreal engine 4 does not like AMD cards. I still cant run the UT2015 alpha
But If I am honest the majority run fine. What dont help is the lack of comunication from AMD regards drivers/problems. Even asking their rep on here gets silence (Yes am looking at you Matt
Now this is AMD's prop driver. The open source driver actually runs well, not on 290xx series mind. Not done a lot with the open source driver so cant comment to much.
I will point out that AMD has released their new AMDGPU driver that will be for the 285/R3xx series and up. No idea if its any good though.