As said
There isn't really a catch
Just after years and years of total dominance and being able to charge whatever they wanted
AMD caught Intel with their pants down
The fact amd can have 7nm cpus
And Intel can't manage it has Intel screwed pretty much
Plus amd using chiplet design while Intel stuck to 1 single large cpu chip
And amd motherboard/cpu tends to stick to the same socket for a few years means you have an upgrade path
That doesn't need buying a new motherboard for next cpu you want
Pretty much first time in 10+ years amd is the recommended cpu for most people
Which is great for consumers.
Yeah if you want few extra fps then intel
With 5ghz clock speed is a bit better
But if I already get 144fps for example
I don't care if Intel would get me 150fps
So it's just amds time in the sun
Long may it continue