Amd integer scaling with old games

24 Oct 2005
North East

Im trying to use integer scaling on some old games but i cant get em to work. Any ideas how?

Im trying gog versions of say tex murphy pandora, star trek star fleet academy. Star trek a final unity. But they use dosbox or in unity case d-fend front end of dosbox.

Ive tried adding dosbox as the launch app, tried the exe, tried the custom gog launcher shortcuts. But nothing.

I wanted to see how these would be with integer scaling applied and maybe image sharpening.
I tried it in x4 but with a 1440p monitor the only thing u can do is try 1280x720 (half the res) for integer scaling, it worked but wasnt great, too many jaggies even with ssaa 4 or msaa 4, textures were ok but the pixels made the models edges iffy and the text was crap to read. If you own a 4k display and used 1080p in the game with integer scaling then that can work which i assume ur using. Otherwise theres no benefit, i dunno what ur getting benefit wise if thats not the way ur using it.

Thanks tho for trying. :)

Anyhow back to old games with no resolution options usually and stuck really low res for integer scaling to work. Anyone else play games with IS on and u see it working and if so how, if there say a gog game with a custom launcher, ive tried using the exe of the game the exe of dosbox etc but the IS doesnt kick in, it doesnt look any better of sharper. This is with global Igr scaling on in display options for amd and trying game specific profiles. Maybe expecting too much i duno. I did get it working i think on syberia 2 tho i think only the text was noticeably sharper more pixel looking instead of smoothed.
Integer needs to be lower than ur native res to kick in thats the whole point of it. But yes i have tried it at 720p ingame (which works as it covers the whole screen and no black bars but looks crap cos lack of pixels) and native 1440p (looks like it always has at 1440p jaggies and all, it doesnt get rid of jaggies at all at 1440p hence reshade for aa is miles better than ingame aa as the ingame aa is too much of a hog for performance.

If it works for you then great :) but doesnt seem to work for me, :( but im not really bothered about x4 here just old games.
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