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AMD Navi video encode performance (5700/XT in particular)

19 Oct 2002
Auckland, New Zealand

I'm using my GTX1070 to stream games from my rack mounted PC to laptops and Android TV devices around the house. I use predominately steam remote play and parsec at the moment and it performs pretty damn well considering.

I've been looking at AMD as a potential upgrade route for other reasons than just gaming but I have no idea on the encoder performance... Nvidia's is pretty stonking and will give <8ms encode times which helps with the perceived smoothness and quality of the stream but I've heard and read bad things about AMDs encoder not being up to scratch.

Would anyone with latest amd cards try using parsec for me and maybe try streaming a complex game to another device and using the parsec button (ctrl + Shift + M unless remapped) tell me what the encoder time is?

Thanks in advance!


I'm using my GTX1070 to stream games from my rack mounted PC to laptops and Android TV devices around the house. I use predominately steam remote play and parsec at the moment and it performs pretty damn well considering.

I've been looking at AMD as a potential upgrade route for other reasons than just gaming but I have no idea on the encoder performance... Nvidia's is pretty stonking and will give <8ms encode times which helps with the perceived smoothness and quality of the stream but I've heard and read bad things about AMDs encoder not being up to scratch.

Would anyone with latest amd cards try using parsec for me and maybe try streaming a complex game to another device and using the parsec button (ctrl + Shift + M unless remapped) tell me what the encoder time is?

Thanks in advance!

Never heard of Google? Here is the first video popped using your thread title.
And things have improved massively since July.

Thanks, although when I searched most of the issues where related to OBS etc. which is not what I do. I use parsec/rainway to stream a game to another device to play and parsec gaming has a built in encoder timer that tells you how well the encode performance is. everything I have read is about OBS and doesn't really give any comparable numbers e.g. the first video is all about encoding for twitch etc. and so doesn't tell me ms encode time per frame which is what I'm after.
I seem I recall reading the latency was higher for x265, and it's x265 where AMD cards do well/very well. The x264 encoder isn't as good a Nvidia's 2000 series, and while I've read it's not very good I don't know if it's just because it's being compared to the 2000 series or if it's just not good full stop and therefore worse than say your 1070.
I also think there's another way to see encode latency because I've tried both AMD link and Steam to stream to my phone and I'm fairly sure I remember seeing ms displayed on one of them. Since I didn't move while giving it a test everything else 'should' be the same.
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