AMD Promo Bundle - AMD Ryzen 7 2700X, Gigabyte X370-Gaming K7, Team Group RAM *FREE 480GB SSD*

31 May 2010
Hi, I received this bundle a couple of days ago. Having connected everything together with a new power supply I get absolutely nothing. No beeps or lights on the motherboard. I know that the power supply works having shorted out pins 4 and 5.
Any ideas on what I can try next?
I have sent a web note to Overclockers but as yet I have not received a reply.
Kind regards
Hi Panos thanks for the reply. I have connected all the front panel connectors and tried all combinations of components.
I have connected both power cables (20 pin and 8 pin) and even connected a cpu fan with and without a cpu.
The only time I managed to get anything out of the Psu was when I shorted pins 4 and 5 together.
I have just received a reply from Overclockers and they suggest that the motherboard needs to be RMA’d to have a new bios installed.
I have been looking at this bundle for a while now and wondered if it would be flashed with the latest bios
Sounds like it won`t
Strange as i would not expect OCUK to sell a bundle that would not run out of the box
Please keep us updated with this
Thank You :)
I received an Email from Overclockers today stating that the RMA has been refused due to bent pins, and that they are returning back to me.
Hey there people

We don't like rejecting RMA's as it is more hassle than its worth because of the arguments it can cause.

When this was returned back to us the CPU was attached to the cooler which was in turn loose in the box with no packaging so it was rattling around in there which has caused the damage.

Please find the pictures attached on this link so you can see what has happened and why we had to reject it.

We can apologize if this causes a problem but due to it being physically damaged we can not RMA it :(

Hello Bailey,
Thank you for the pictures, do you think they have been damaged in transitback to you? , because i did put the protective cover back on. If so do you think i will be able to claim against the courier company.
Thanks for the reply. What i do not understand is why it was attached to the heatsink in the first place, it was well and truly firmly stuck. My other thought is if the motherboard was flashed with the latest bios before shipment this return process would not have had to happen.
huh? you don't know why it was attached to the heat sink in the first place? because you left it attached doubt it jumped out of it's packaging in transit and attached itself to the heatsink.

i get where you're coming from on that but it's never going to fly. you should never have returned the cpu that way.
No i mean i don't understand why it would not seperate from the heatsink, it was well and truly firmly stuck that is why i had to send it back attached.
Oddney, did your box have any ryzen 2000 support sticker on there ? And like wise with ianshep , if you can remember ?
If one did and one didn't , the. Picking error, if both did or didn't have sticker then someone has messed up the flashing and labelling
My box had no sticker on to say that it suppoerted ryzen 2000.
Blimey that is some bent pins.

Did OCUK still test motherboard with one of there chips to insure as people said the bios was up to date to accept the CPU type.

Would hate for the OP to get a new CPU and still have issues with the MB.
Yes OCUK have said that they have updated bios.
I think he may have left amd, or at least in his forum support role as his forum name has changed.

@ianshep57 link to amd official support forums. maybe go have a chat in there see if you can get a rep to help?
Just an update for you all, with special thanks to TheKwango for his recommendation to contact AMD.
I contacted AMD and they offered me a boot kit so that I could make sure that the motherboard Bios was still up to date.
I tried that and everything worked fine with the boot kit CPU. I mentioned the problem with my CPU and they suggested to post it back to them when I return the boot kit.
I did as suggested and returned my CPU and whilst I was on holiday in Greece last week I received a short email saying that my CPU had “passed” and was being returned to me. I thought that they must have repaired the 3 broken pins.
Yesterday I received a new package from the courier, imagine my shock and surprise to find a brand new unopened still sealed 2700x CPU And heat sink. This was provided free of charge as a replacement for my faulty CPU, AMD have even provided me with free return labels in both directions. I have been treated unbelievably well from AMD with everybody I have had contact with, and no surprise I will be using AMD forever in the future, and have recommended them to all my friends and family.
Sorry for the long post, but finally I have a working system and once again I cannot praise AMD enough.
On an unrelated issue. I am using Windows 7 with this AMD 2700x CPU and every now and then a message box pops up saying unsupported hardware (this CPU does not support this version of windows, and suggests windows 10.
Is there any way of permanently removing this message as I still quite like using Windows 7.
In my defense I did send the CPU back in the protective shroud that it came with. I think that I bent the pins when trying to remove the CPU from the heat sink. Having said that I have learned my lesson and in future if I have to send anything back I will make sure that everything is secure.
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