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AMD Ryzen 5 5600x vs Ryzen 5 3600

27 Feb 2023
It is very scary how much these stores just "know" about us and what we "want"... I'll explain lol.

I looked at my phone yesterday for the little news section and of course the 1st thing I see it that somewhere has the Ryzen 5 5600x's for $159 currently.
I got home and as much as I did NOT want to spend anymore money on this system I figured just grab it for the price.... and I'll sell the 3600 off to someone local or online for a very fair price to get a few bucks back. I got the 3600 used for about $80 and have enjoyed it the last few weeks but I ordered the 5600x which should be here by the end of the day.

I tried using the stock heatsink on the 3600 but it was way too warm, so I grabbed a heatsink from DeepCool (AK400) and super easy install, everything fit the AMD/AM4 sockets and fittings.. just had to screw it on.. couldn't have been easier. I noticed the Idle temps around 45-50c immediately dropped to 40-35c. While gaming I was up around 80c with the stock heatsink.. now gaming I honestly haven't seen the CPU get warmer than 60c... maybe a few times here and there.

I did notice however that the CPU was always running around 85-90% when playing larger/newer games like Dying Light 2, Cyberpunk, and even especially Jedi Knight Fallen Order... all maxed out and all looking great. I know my RAM is older but it's not the RAM getting hogged up while gaming.. I've got 32GB of G.Skill Trident Z 3000. I was thinking of getting faster RAM but these 4 sticks (8gbx2) (8gbx2) have always performed incredible with whatever I've thrown at it.

I am just wondering, anxiously awaiting the 5600x to arrive what to expect... I've been told this is one of the best CPU's out there for gaming and I will soon find out. For the price I couldn't pass it up.. I guess I'm glad I didn't buy it 1-2 months ago @ $260usd... but I did buy the 3600 for $80 which I hope to sell for at least $75usd to make a few dollars back.

Either way it never ends... I got the GPU (3070RTX) end of December and the 3600 beginning of January... and only about a week ago got my first actual gaming monitor (over 60hz) when I grabbed a 27" AOC 165hz that I am LOVING. I really wish I researched displays more but I had the chance to try a 27" LG 4K and it was beautiful, just not what I wanted.. I've played @ 4K on my television which may have not been as nice as the LG 27".. but I wanted the higher refresh rate. Fortunately BB has that "open box" section and I returned the LG for the AOC and spent an extra $60.. and so glad I did.

I've always loved AMD CPU's and I'm rather excited for this one... Hopefully some other users out there can share experiences. Whether they truly saw the performance increase from a similar chip (3600.. heck I had a 1600 for 2-3yrs up until this year). The Ryzen 5 1600 wasn't a chump either for a cheap chip... it was playing a lot of these same games perfectly fine... but @ 60hz on my 1660GTX. I am not starting to see why folks go wild for these high Refresh Rates. Most of the games I play in 1080p get the 165hz... if I switch to Ultra Ray Tracing in Dying Light 2 @ 1080p it's still incredible.. if I bump it up to 2715x1527 that is where I get the FPS loss... and it's not as noticable to me as it would be to someone who's played on higher refresh rates for quite some time. I'm happy as heck even when I see a game @ 90-110FPS... but I know I can get more out of this system.
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27 Feb 2023
plenty of videos comparing the two, its not a massive upgrade or anything but its a good upgrade worth doing
I watched one that was pretty good and was actually on the same motherboard as me (B350-F).

It was pretty cool as he had the 1600, 3600, and 5600x all compared and I can see that I've just been climbing the ladder. The 1600 was never going to be enough for what I want to play now.. but I was impressed with it. Heck had the thing for 3+ years.

The 4600g I briefly had was comparable to the 3600 but just didn't have the performance gaming, I needed a CPU w/ integrated graphics anyway for my 2nd B350-F that I would rather not have my old 960GTX in. I don't game on that PC it's just a "backup" unless someone in the family or local needs it.

The 5600x looks pretty awesome, I'm hoping for those games that I do fall under 100FPS @ 1440 will stay above it will be a very neat comparison and pretty cool to see the performance increase.

I only just got the 3070RTX and been loving Dying Light 2... especially Ultra Ray Tracing mode. I personally did not lean towards an RTX card but when the price is right and gets thrown in your face it was an easy call for the price.. I paid about $400usd plus tax. I said I would never spend over $400 on a GPU but I just had to pull the trigger... then of course I needed a new display so another $260 heh. I wish I would have researched some displays a bit more but someone wanted my old one (32" 60hz curved Acer) and I gladly sold it to them and used that money towards the AOC 27" I have now. I do not miss the extra size, 27" is perfect for me.
30 Dec 2021
plenty of videos comparing the two, its not a massive upgrade or anything but its a good upgrade worth doing

well it is, depending on what you do...
i only game. and on the games that favor few threads that are faster, the upgrade unlocked a lot of FPS

In Squads @ 1440 144hz
i had a 3600 and a RX580(this died) so i got a 6600xt.. that bumped me from 50(ish)fps to 60(ish)fps... but that's a massive GPU upgrade
the 5600 was on offer so i just got one, fitting that put me to 110(ish)FPS
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27 Feb 2023
well it is, depending on what you do...
i only game. and on the games that favor few threads that are faster, the upgrade unlocked a lot of FPS

In Squads @ 1440 144hz
i had a 3600 and a RX580(this died) so i got a 6600xt.. that bumped me from 50(ish)fps to 60(ish)fps... but that's a massive GPU upgrade
the 5600 was on offer so i just got one, fitting that put me to 110(ish)FPS
Wow that's great to hear... I got the 3600 used and I honestly do not know how long the previous owner had it, or how much they beat it up.. I just know they got a 5600x as well because he sent it in his new CPU's box heh.

Did you use the stock AMD heatsink by any chance? One thing I noticed from the 1600 (even the 4600g) was the 3600 ran a lot warmer than the 1600/4600g. I was looking at expensive Noctua/Zalman heatsinks for $60-90usd and my buddy recommended the DeepCool AK400 for $36usd and I couldn't be happier with it.

I am sure there are much better aftermarket heatsinks out there, but this one got the job done and was very easy to install. I also like the style since if the fan ever dies it can easily be replaced as it just clips onto the heatsink.

As for FPS I am really anxious to see what happens come a few games I play a lot. I can play 1080p w/ very high FPS while maxed out. My display is 2715x1527 which is still a tad confusing... my games play great under the 1527 but that's where I lose the FPS. I could tell earlier that several games were using a lot of CPU % vs what was consumed % wise RAM & GPU. I know I could benefit from some new RAM but this G.Skill RAM has been reliable and I've got to stop spending money lol.

I was hoping the delivery guy would be here before I had to go to work, of course he hasn't shown and I gotta run out the door momentarily. My luck I'll pass the guy driving to work. It should be here for me when I get home tonight which won't be too late, I'll toss it in and put the 3600 aside to resell to make a few bucks back.
30 Dec 2021
I got the 3600 used and I honestly do not know how long the previous owner had it, or how much they beat it up.
TBF a CPU ever dose or doesn't work, how hard it been run in the past makes no difference it should still work fine.

Did you use the stock AMD heatsink by any chance?
i didnt use the stock cooler as i have an ITX case and it wouldnt fit

I am sure there are much better aftermarket heatsinks out there, but this one got the job done and was very easy to install. I also like the style since if the fan ever dies it can easily be replaced as it just clips onto the heatsink.
the chip pulls 83w overclocked to 4.75Ghz its very easy to cool

As for FPS I am really anxious to see what happens come a few games I play a lot. I can play 1080p w/ very high FPS while maxed out. My display is 2715x1527 which is still a tad confusing... my games play great under the 1527 but that's where I lose the FPS. I could tell earlier that several games were using a lot of CPU % vs what was consumed % wise RAM & GPU. I know I could benefit from some new RAM but this G.Skill RAM has been reliable and I've got to stop spending money lol.

i dont know the gpu power of a 3070, i only just changed from AMD but based on reviews with RTX off the 3070 should rip up 1440p gaming. so if you games are struggling due to CPU load the 5600x will help a lot. the 5XXX chips are a good bit faster than the 3XXX chips

i game at 1440 max setting not ultra with RTX off DLSS on and i hit my 144hz frame cap in ever game.
26 Apr 2017
each cpu generation is faster, its how it works.
cpu is a key metric as ipc and frequency and nowadays x3d cache makes an impact.
at some point you can upograde to 5800x3d and have a boost again.
27 Feb 2023
TBF a CPU ever dose or doesn't work, how hard it been run in the past makes no difference it should still work fine.

i didnt use the stock cooler as i have an ITX case and it wouldnt fit

the chip pulls 83w overclocked to 4.75Ghz its very easy to cool

i dont know the gpu power of a 3070, i only just changed from AMD but based on reviews with RTX off the 3070 should rip up 1440p gaming. so if you games are struggling due to CPU load the 5600x will help a lot. the 5XXX chips are a good bit faster than the 3XXX chips

i game at 1440 max setting not ultra with RTX off DLSS on and i hit my 144hz frame cap in ever game.

I may have just expecting a tad more out of the 3600 vs the 1600 and 4600g.. I know the 4600g is an APU but it had some nice speeds. Seeing the deal for the 5600x was nice and I'm glad I didn't get the 3600x for what I believe was a similar price a few weeks ago.

I only asked about the stock cooler since I noticed my 3600 was warmer than the previous CPUs I had in here, the AK400 works wonders though especially for the price. I've seen this 5600x get as cool as 32c.. the 3600 would stop around 35c. Both hit about 60c during gaming, depending on what.

The 3070 has been real nice after owning the 1660gtx for only 2-3 years... fortunately sold it to a nice neighbor who's younger and on a budget and needed a decent GPU. I only with with the RTX because of the sale... and it's pretty sweet for Dying Light 2. I messed around with the settings in Cyberpunk and get the same FPS for Ultra, Low-Med Ray Tracing, and even Ultra Ray Tracing there was hardly a difference of Average FPS after running their in-game benchmark so I'll just go with Ultra RTX since it looks pretty incredible.

Overall I'm very happy I sprung for the 5600x, I seem like a nutjob trying 2-3 different CPUs in less than 3 months but I just want this machine to be able to play newer games and not watered down.

I did notice a significant FPS increase in a few games, and meh tiny bit in others. DL2, Rage 2, Jedi Fallen Order all had a pretty decent increase FPS-wise with the 5600x vs the 3000. Any games that I was not getting a consistent 120+ FPS I am now getting it. I had a few games hovering around 95-105FPS and they bumped up a bit.. pretty spot on with the benchmarks I watched.

I know I could benefit from new RAM but after spending $430 on the GPU, $160 on the CPU, and $260 on the Display I'm tapped for a bit ($850usd).

I'm sure I could always go with the faster G.Skill Trident Z but I will wait it out... I'm pretty satisfied atm. I didn't plan on going all out this year but glad I got it out of the way!
30 Dec 2021
the AK400 works wonders though especially for the price
its a 120mm tower cooler your not really going to have problems.
bench marks and stress tests are not real world, at 4.75Ghz my cpu would hit 89c under max load 10min runs, but in games it sits at 60c ish

I seem like a nutjob trying 2-3 different CPUs in less than 3 months but I just want this machine to be able to play newer games and not watered down.
5600x and a 3070 there should be no tuning games down, 3070/ti are about the same power as a 2080ti and that can max everything out. i turn off Ray Tracking as it as a good performance hit and i genuinely don't see anything in game with it on

I'm sure I could always go with the faster G.Skill Trident Z but I will wait it out...
if you ram is at 3600mhz its as fast as you need it.
27 Feb 2023
its a 120mm tower cooler your not really going to have problems.
bench marks and stress tests are not real world, at 4.75Ghz my cpu would hit 89c under max load 10min runs, but in games it sits at 60c ish

5600x and a 3070 there should be no tuning games down, 3070/ti are about the same power as a 2080ti and that can max everything out. i turn off Ray Tracking as it as a good performance hit and i genuinely don't see anything in game with it on

if you ram is at 3600mhz its as fast as you need it.

Thank you some good info!

I am loving the 5600x.. I'm more than happy with it so far and have barely had time to really dig into anything.

I was considering shutting the Ray Tracing off in DL2 to see the performance just haven't had time this weekend... I understand what you mean I tried it in Cyberpunk and nothing caught my eye tbh. The RTX looks cool for all those old Quake/Quake 2 maps and me being a big Quake fanatic (1st PC game ever for me) I've enjoyed replaying some maps.. mostly just seeing the effects so cool on some of my favorite old maps just wish more people wanted to play heh.

I'm running 4 sticks (32gb) of G.Skill Trident Z 3000.... it's always been super solid for my needs. I don't want to spend anymore money I think I've hit my limit with finances for my PC after the last 2-3 months. But very happy I did... only wishing I did it sooner.
30 Jul 2005
5 Dec 2010
Did those mitigations actually slow it down though?
Well yeah. And later mitigations for retbleet for example. Disabling the mitigations does improve performance. But that wasn't the point I was making.

Performance penalty was higher on earlier Intel CPUs because 9th gen (IIRC) onwards had hardware changes to mitigate the vulnerabilities. That's why you'd see differences between say 6th gen and 10th gen CPUs with the same core count and clock speed.
30 Jul 2005
Well yeah. And later mitigations for retbleet for example. Disabling the mitigations does improve performance. But that wasn't the point I was making.

Performance penalty was higher on earlier Intel CPUs because 9th gen (IIRC) onwards had hardware changes to mitigate the vulnerabilities. That's why you'd see differences between say 6th gen and 10th gen CPUs with the same core count and clock speed.
some benches here. https://www.phoronix.com/review/3-years-specmelt
not that big a loss on haswell on some stuff. it was made out to be 30% performance loss across the board.
9 May 2004
Leafy outskirts of London
I went from a 3600 to a 5700x, as I wanted the same TDP, but more oomph that the extra cores give.

I'd say the logical upgrade path from a 3600 if you are wanting to save money sticking with AM4 is either 5700x or 5800x3d
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