Hi people! I received my 4400+ from OCUK yesterday and have been playin around with overclocking it. I have ir currently running at prime stable with the cores at 2.5Ghz each. My problem is i don't know if the temp readings i am getting are correct. I'm using a Freezer 64 pro from arctic cooling and, since i know the temp sensors on the dfi expert are known to be a bit dodgy, i downloaded a prog called Core Temp that was recommended throught he DFI forums. Thing is its showing some pretty strange readings. Core 1 is reading as 59C under load which i think is on the high side when core 2 is reading 44C, which is more like what i was expecting. Does anyone else have any experience with this prog? or such a large dif between their core temps? I have about 1.42v going through the core at the moment but that should whack the temp up to almost 60C should it?!? Any help will be appreciated!