A few days ago I put together a new system based around an AMD64 3200 (Newcastle core). Straight away I noticed that the CPU temperatures seemed a bit high. It's idling at any where between 43 and 49, I haven't looked at load temperatures yet. I'm using an Akasa AK-859 copper cooler and everything is at stock speed.
My guess is that cleaning off the pre-applied thermal compound from the base of the cooler then applying some good stuff and re-seating it should help quite a bit.
Anyone know what kind of temperatures I should be getting from this CPU and core?
Thanks for replies
A few days ago I put together a new system based around an AMD64 3200 (Newcastle core). Straight away I noticed that the CPU temperatures seemed a bit high. It's idling at any where between 43 and 49, I haven't looked at load temperatures yet. I'm using an Akasa AK-859 copper cooler and everything is at stock speed.
My guess is that cleaning off the pre-applied thermal compound from the base of the cooler then applying some good stuff and re-seating it should help quite a bit.
Anyone know what kind of temperatures I should be getting from this CPU and core?
Thanks for replies