American Comedy

13 Nov 2006
Some americans find the slightest things hilarious.

Examples are

Drew Carey ( Whose line is it anyway ) and the unfunny lines David Letterman throws out along with Jay Leno.

Top Ten list on David Letterman is cringeworthy.
I find this also johnnyfive, some of the stuff ive seen on more4 that news thing cant remember the name well it aint funny in the slightest yet it seems popular over there :o
So do some Brits. Ever tried watching My Hero (that thing with Ardal O'Hanal), or in fact, any Saturday night TV?

Stupid people find stupid stuff funny, be they Americans or not. Common sense really.
The UK is much, much worse. My Hero, My Family, 2 pints...., Little Britain....the list of horrible UK comedy that get re-commissioned time after time is endless. All the while comedy gold like The Thick of It, Charlie Brooker and Time Trumpet are virtually ignored.
British 'Comedy' is friggin awful! Give me Leno, Conan and Letterman anyday over the muppets we have.

Speaking of bad British comedy on right now is this star stories ****
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johnnyfive said:
Drew Carey ( Whose line is it anyway ) and the unfunny lines David Letterman throws out along with Jay Leno.


I love whose line but any time that muppet says anything i want to hit him with a stick. He is not even remotely funny.
two and a half men is extremely funny but havent found another us comedy apart froms scrubs and home improvement (old but good) that are any where near.

lemonkettaz said:
what british tv is good at the moment...

if i think about it, my favourite viewing right now is american.
Not many really :( mock the week is good and would i lie to you is ok only other things i been watching are coast and mountian on bbc1 but they are documentrys :o
quite depressing really the lack of original british shows at the moment
8 out of 10 cats is ok, mock the week is ok, but its all samey and been done many times before.

... Peep Show is probably the best british comedy show at the moment, but that wont be on that much.. are they doing a 5th series?

Friday Night Project was good the first 7times.. then it got completely boring. Its rubbish its just exactly the same each week.
Mock The Week has been the only thing worth watching for the last couple of years. Can you think of anything else on British TV that's been worth watching? BBC3 is pumping out loads of shows with people you never hear of again. American TV isn't all that great either. All these season finales of shows that anyone with a brain hated anyway... Scrubs, South Park, Family Guy and Simpsons are the only consistent shows.
BillHicksRIP said:
Mock The Week has been the only thing worth watching for the last couple of years. Can you think of anything else on British TV that's been worth watching? BBC3 is pumping out loads of shows with people you never hear of again. American TV isn't all that great either. All these season finales of shows that anyone with a brain hated anyway... Scrubs, South Park, Family Guy and Simpsons are the only consistent shows.

your username is SO appropriate to this thread.
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