American recipes with ketchup?

20 Jan 2005
I went to Bodeans diner in London the other day and had an amazing pulled pork sandwich. I've found a couple of recipes online for pulled pork but found they're all American and contain ketchup as a main ingredient for the sauce. Does anyone know if what America class as ketchup in these recipes is the same as what we class as ketchup? Just seems a bit weird that you can put anything upto a cup of ketchup into a recipe...
Being an American i can say, British beef does not taste the same as USDA American Beef. British beef is a bit bland and "mealy" where as American beef has a "steak" kind of flavor, you can taste the blood more? It just has more flavor/flavour. That being said, Sloppy Joes is an American staple that incorporates Ketchup in its recipe. Yeah Meatloaf topped with Ketchup is delicious! Especially when you apply the Ketchup after the meatloaf has been cooking in the oven, and then place it back in the oven to have the ketchup topping glaze a bit, makes a nice "cracklin" crunchiness. Good ol' Heinz Ketchup
will work a treat... although I have noticed a bit of a difference in taste between American and British Heinz Ketchup... interesting fact, you won't find Heinz Beans
stateside whereas here it seems to be a quintessential ingredient here. Hope this helps...
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Being an avid fan of Triple Ds on Food Network, a lot of sauces and marinades incorporate ketchup and worcestershercester sauce.
it's basically tomato, sugar and vinegar. can be an excellent ingredient, my favourite recipe for sweet and sour / kung po calls for loads of it
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