Amnesia: The Dark Descent

24 Sep 2008
From the creators that brought the Penumbra series - they are now bringing out a new first-person horror video game. That to be honest looks too scary for words.

I'm not sure if they have a publisher but they're planned release is 10th of September so not too far away.

It looks like to be an amazing game - if it makes me feel emotions (which isn't omg this is crap) it will be great. The darkness and unknown enemy... :cool:

Just awesome.

I'm so glad developers are still creating games such as this and not big money making swill (heres looking at you mw2).

I will hopefully get this on the 10th of September it will be £20 I think or £18 if you pre-order now. First time I've done such a thread like this hopefully it'll kick start off a good discussion for game enthusiasts such as yourselves and I. :)
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Fixed the first video.


Calneon it does look fantastic, I will only be playing at night just to give myself double the scares. :p Steam activation? That's cool, much more convienent I suppose.
interesting game by the looks of it, might live up to its name - survival horror and not survival horror -by way of shooting a hole in everything.
thanks for bringing attention to this game

You're welcome. :)

Yeah having nothing but a lamp and the environment (tables, chairs) to help does sound a bit daunting. :p

I'm not sure what else is in the game myself but I have high hopes for it.

Played a preview build of it a couple of months back. From what I saw, it looked promising. is what I wrote about it if anyone's interested.

Just read it and you've just typed the words I really wanted to hear (excluding the typo ;)).

I'm fascinated by the unknown and surreality of what the human can conjure, personally, I think this is going to be fantastic. :cool:

It's got brown pants written all over it. Sadly not my type of game.

Too scary

Shame dude, I feel like you'll be missing out on a gem for the PC platform. :)
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I've never played the Penumbra series....there's 3 of them? shall i buy all 3 on Steam one hit?:p i love horror games like Silent Hills, FEAR, The Condemned and so on.

That game looks interesting, another one to play at 3am lights out with headset on very loud.:D

Edit: I see a collector's pack there for £17.99 i guess that includes the whole series?

Penumbra has been hailed a lot scarier than what you've mentioned other than the first silent hill.

If you consider FEAR a horror game, Penumbra and most likely this will have you never sleep with the lights off ever again.

Looking forward to it, haven't had a true scare since my first play through of Crimson Butterfly, Penumbra was great and very atmospheric but the dated engine really lessened the scares


I need to get the penumbra series too... I was just looking into survival horrors other than the mainstream ones. :)
Well finally got to buy this.

And dear lord, I'm pretty much wetting myself already.

I was just dandering through, pick up a heal pot, turn around and there just a guy standing there then disappears as I didn't stare too long. This was in the wine cellar. Buh! The atmosphere is perfect, the super blurring is a little bit annoying but it's not there for convienence sake. :p
Every little corner is just making me more tense and then I hear grumbling.

I was in the main hall at one point and I was sure I heard one of them play the piano, that got me going too. :(
No, the worst is when you're playing the game in the dark and you can hear bumps and noises from the flat above in RL.

That, that all over!

And I have pretty loud people upstairs, had to talk to them once. Especially in the wine cellar you hear peoples footsteps above you on the floorboards. :(
I'm glad more of you are buying it.

It's the best game for me this year!

It's so scary that I'm struggling to start it again! haha :D
Only hint I can give as to the where abouts of the third rod is that it is the only breath of fresh air that you'll get.
yeah im hard as nails me,lol, just never found a game frightening, i think some people are going a tad over the top, or they are just pussies, those new men wimpy types, with there flouncy feminine haircuts.

How far did you get?

Play it in the dark with your headphones on.

And play up to and after the dungeon. Doesn't take long to get there. If you're still hard as nails, then I just don't believe you. :p
Hows this for hard, in the dark earphones on, in a large emtpy building off the beaten track in some woods, totally alone, with a massive eletrical storm going on??

Yes i played the whole game

And you felt nothing?

I never asked if you did. I bet you didn't. :p
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