Amount of RAM does not add up

30 Mar 2018
Hi All,
I have an Asus B350Prime mobo, with two 4GB sticks of DDR4 ram, but I am getting very mixed reports on the total ram.
  • BIOS says 4GB in slot A2, 4GB in slot B2. Total memory = 4GB
  • Windows (W10 pro) reports 8GB total, but only 3.94 usable
  • memtest only finds 4GB
Any body come across this before, or could offer any advice?
Windows reports 64bit os and 64bit cpu (system properties screen). Could this be wrong?
If I boot to usb and run memtest it does not produce any errors but only finds 4gb ram. Surely booting to usb like this would eliminate a fault with the os?
Could also be worth reseating the CPU if all else fails. I've seen this sort of thing happen in the past, though usually with socket 1366 based i7s where the 3rd memory channel wasn't working correctly.

Edit: Ignore that actually, I missed that it was an AM4 board so since it isn't an LGA socket, the chance of that making any difference is minimal.
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