Amp advice

13 Oct 2006
So I'm babysitting a friends speakers whilst he goes travelling - they're Monitor Audio BR6s so pretty decent I think?
Anyway, he's given me a spare amp for the time being which is a Yamaha DSP-A2 so designed for surround sound plus it's the size of a house :D

I know nothing about amps and speakers but I do know that this amp is more for home theatre rather than TV and PS4 that ours gets used for.

Am I likely missing out on anything using this with just 2 main speakers? I presume its designed to work with at least 4 speakers and I cba with that to be honest, plus I don't have the room.

If I would be better off with a more dedicated stereo amp can anyone recommend me a decent slimline amp that I can pair with these speakers?

Feel free to educate me if what I've written is utter rubbish!

Yea it's a hefty thing that's for sure! It does sound good for TV as that's all I've used it for so far, but as I'm a complete audio noob I wasn't sure if it would be trying to pump anything to speakers I don't have?
I don't want any more speakers at the moment that's for sure - I don't have space!
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