amp just died- could my speakers be damaged?

18 Oct 2002
My lovly fisher amp just died :( :( :( I was just lisening to some music and it just stopped i looked over and it was still on but there was nothing comming from it. This means that I am going to have to wait for christmas to get a new amp because I have just spent a lot of money on my B&W dm 601 s3 speakers (which are fantastic) I was just wondering is their any possiblility that my speakers have been damaged too? I havn' any way of trying them so I don't know if they are but if it is possible put to put my mind at ease i would be very grateful.

btw i was looking at the NAD C320BEE AMPLIFIER as a replacment, good idea?
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Thanks for the advice guys :) The amp remained on but there was just no output. Fortunatly there where no bangs or anything so I don't think I would have been that. I will have a look around at second hand stuff. Cheers for the help

Originally posted by martink

Spike - Don't trust reviews implicitly. Use them to help you devise a shortlist, but make sure you listen.

I agree, go with what your ears tell you not what someone elses tel them. For example some people's ears tell them s club juniors = good :D
IF the shop sells the same equipment then you can ask to demo different amps using that set up. It is much better to test the amp on the system you are using because matching speakers and amps is important. You could test the amp there with some other speakers and it wil sound good but it may be a worse match for your speakers than your current amp. What speakers and amp do you have currently?
Originally posted by Jez
spike - if i were you i would go for a new set of speakers rather than a new amp, it will have a much greater impact on your sound, i have some liberty 5+'s here and tbh i find they sound a lot worse than a lot of other speakers ive had, if you like the eltax's then give the symphony range a go :)

I agree that you should go for some new speakers. As i have said the b&w 601 are fantastic speakers for the price (i got mine for £220 with a 2 year warentee)I think you would find a great improvement with new speakers but not a new amp. However if it ain't broke don't fix it because listening to a better set up starts you in a cycle of buying .

btw is it just me or does the richer sounds web site look much worse now?
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