Amsterdam Clubs

4 Aug 2003
Its a while since our last visit, and this time im determined
to go clubbing when we are there.

Has anyone been clubbing in Amsterdam - dont mean Sensation / Dance Valley.

Im looking for somewhere thats local to Dam Square and not miles out
of the centre.

Any ideas ?


club 11

not been there but mates have been and loved it , they have decent nights on , no cheesey commercial crap

depends what sort of music your into and waht dates your there really

the "rauw" night always has great lineups
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Hey matey :)

We went to (and stayed at) Hotel Arena, it has 3 rooms, slightly out from Dam Square on the outskirts, when we were there Eric Prydz was playing.

Other than that I don't know as we were there for the Orange Festival and it was all street parties :)

BB x
Any ideas on location then ;)

I've been 5 or 6 times now and its still a nightmare to get round.

Thanks easyjet - last night i nearly booked @ £300 for 2 for 2 nights!

Easy jet sale @ 5pm gave me £150 woooooooooo

What a bargain ;)

yeah i sort of realised youd be after trance once i realised it was you whos thread it was :p

rules out that club then i think , most the popular nights on there are minimal and electro

oh well

nice prices there
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