Amusement Parks On Fire

28 Oct 2002
Anyone a fan?

Heard them the other day through a friend. Amazing band.

A musically gifted teenager, Michael began writing the songs that make up the album in his bedroom in Nottingham at the age of 16. Overflowing with ideas, but lacking a band, he used his prodigious talents to turn his vision into reality. Playing nearly all of the instruments himself - guitars, bass, drums, vocals - he recorded the album in a local studio, with the help of engineer, and friend, Dan Knowles. -Taken from Myspace
IceBus said:
Wow :D An absolutely huge thanks to MarkyB for posting this thread. Without doubt one of the best new bands I've heard in a long long time :D

Any idea if he's working on any new material atm, or just concentrating on touring the States?

No problem ;)

They blew me away when i first heard them. Their track Smokescreen is a great track from their Self titled album.

From what ive read on the net and forums, their track 'Blackout' is from their new album, which I *think* is due in may :D
IceBus said:
Awesome :D Can't wait to see them when I'm over in England for uni next year :D

I'll have to buy the album and EP - do they sell them off their site? I wouldn't mind all the money going to the band instead of an online CD shop.

Their sites pretty basic, only giving you links to myspace and their message board. :(

Sign up to their message board. The band post frequent updates on their. Just recently, theres progress on their new album and photos of the recording studio.
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