Amy Wadge - The Cinnamon club, Altrinchham

27 Nov 2004
North Beds
Hey guys,

Shot this gig near the end of last month but have not had time to post it. Very very tough conditions, couldnt get near to the stage without getting in the way of the paying customers (tables around the stage), very VERY orange lighting and even then not much of it.

All the shots are iso3200 AND flash, and to add insult to injury, the stage was under a low roof, whilst i was under a high pointed roof so bouncing was impossible. Oh well, did what i could, especially considering I had to go the 100-400L to even get close! Never thought i'd ever use that lens inside when im struggling for light!





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one thing you could have tried is to use a gel filter over your flash which is matched to the colour temperature of the orange lights. Lee filters do a great trial pack that has loads of varying filters in it - almost 500 I think!

what that would allow you to do is to use more direct flash and loose the white flash tone against the skin as you see in pics 3,6 & 8. Its also allows you to sort out the colour temp in raw and not turn the areas affected by the flash blue. Its a great trick.

I used it once for a reception that had the worst orange lighting and it worked out fine.

great work with the 100-400 & iso 3200..pretty impressive.
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