Amything that is free I can do this with???

19 Oct 2002

Those are 2 images I made in Corel Motionstudeo 3d (trial)... I would like to have the prog., but it is $80 & I don't need it really & would not use it enough to justify it costing that... The 2nt pic. is fire with the colors changed, anyway I know you can do that stuff with GIMP, but I like that you can drag & drop the effects...
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What do you want to do?

Those images look like they're from 1999 :o

Thanks :rolleyes:, that program has something called easy palette... All the textures, lighting, etc you can add to a object is in the EP... Just drag it & drop it to add... Is there any program like that besides Corel Motionstudeo 3d???
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