An amusing murder

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17 Oct 2002
This likkle artikle had me in stitches. It's a serious and true story of a man who murdered his wifey. The story is of an Amish (religious cult) family who met a born again Christian. If you read it in a light hearted way it's guarranteed to make you giggle, even though it's a serious subject. Best read after a few Scrumpy Jacks. It shows how incompetent religious beliefs can be and the stupidity of Man. It's well written and well worth a read. It's a long read but well worth the effort. It's a story I hoped would never end. Doc Terrel is a laugh and a half. For the Girleys amongst you it gets a bit gory after page 11.
17 Oct 2002
I feel that if it weren't for the idiots around him he'd have led a normal life and would never have killed. Had he left the Amish religion which he intended to do in the first place no such thing would ever have happened. His "friend", for example, didn't stop him because he saw the devil standing beside him. Obviously nuts to a certain extent.

As horrific as this killing was he wasn't a serial killer. His killing was not planned as serial killers do. Serial killers are not insane, but this man clearly was. It was a one off job that would never have happened had he not been a member of the restrictive Amish community, who failed to see his predicament and insisted that molasses and a foot rub would cure him. A 66 yr old "doctor" dressed in a large stetson and wearing cowboy boots is obviously a few shillings short of a pound, to say nothing of those who consider him to be a "healer".

The killing also draws an interesting parallell with the psychological profile of Jack the Ripper, who murdered women along the same lines. "The Juwes [Jews] will not be blamed for nothing" smacks of religion.
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