an issue... is it hardware... or battlefield 2 ?

11 Mar 2004
when playing bf2 i get this annoying thing happen every so often, im walking along and suddenly a quick pause then im spun round and end up in a completely weird direction to where i actually wanted to go, it happens on foot, in cars, and choppers, sometimes your driving along, the next minute... *BANG* youve hit a wall and come to a dead stop.

now ive been caught drunk driving on BF2 several times, but usually i dont randomly run into buildings.

so im not sure if this is hardware related or its just bf2 since the patch.

my cpu is overclocked a lot, its a venice 3000+ at 2.5Ghz (up from 1.8) but it never breaks 44oC even after hours of full load, and it passes numerous CPU torture util tests.

my graphics cards an X1800XT 512mb so thats not even an issue as far as i can tell.

opinions please ? :)
Lanz said:
Make sure the disk where all the profile stuff (as mentioned above) is totally defragged and running good, as you'll have crappy performance if all those cache files are spread all over your HD.

well, the drives a fragmented to hell seagate 2mb cache 120 gig IDE with a partition, but its being replaced with a 16mb cache ncq SATA 200 gig seagate come the end of this week, (120`s going external :D)

during gameplay though my disk isnt accessed, i have 2 gig and good timings on it to boot.
squiffy said:
Could me the mouse, sometimes my mouse pointer zips across the screen! Problem with MS Explorer mouse, perhaps mouse mat is confusing the optical mech?

hmmm... since i went to a solid plastic matt, my opticle mouse gets cacked up a lot faster, i wonder if thats causing it...
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