An update, about my leg...

18 Dec 2008
I'm probably being silly, but I figured I'd shared most of my journey with you guys. So I wanted to give you the latest.

Yesterday, after 4 and a half years of waiting I finally got to find out my long term prognosis regarding my leg, and my disability. To say it's not great news is an understatement. They can see the issue on the Nuclear Scan. But, they can't tell whether its infection or inflammation.

I've been told, other than maybe some pain management there is nothing left to be done because whatever is wrong will still be there. So no antibiotics and no anti inflammatory meds. They could operate, a major surgery to remove the metal work. But, neither the surgeon nor his colleagues believe it will actually solve anything as my symptoms don't match to that being the problem. That, and the fact there's a 50% chance my leg would need amputating, during the surgery. Not a risk I'm willing to take.This is just the nature of my injury, apparently.

So, that's it. I'm bloody stuck like this. Me, my missus and our girls are bloody stuck like this and I'm devastated about it. Devastated and very angry. It's one thing to go through this, maybe knowing it was permanent but having hope that things would get better. To knowing, beyond doubt that the best you can hope for is a life full of pain, swelling and regular cellulitis.
That sounds awful. I know someone (ex forces) that decided to have their leg cut off below the knee because of the pain they had. The nerves were basically completely damaged and no amount of rehab could fix it - they described it as stubbing your toe every time you took a step.

I can't imagine what you're going through and you'll have to forgive me I've forgotten the disability you have, but that sounds so stressful and seems like your quality of life is being completely destroyed. Is it worth getting a second opinion?

That's an incredibly apt description of what it's like I guess. For me I'd say it's like having mild tooth ache but the more you do the more it hurts and it doesn't take much. I wouldn't know how to begin getting a second opinion without going private but even then from the way he was describing it, it seems pretty clear cut. No pun intended.

IIRC this was an assault wasn't it?
I came very close to having a leg amputated below the knee when I had a motorcycle accident at 18, it didn't heal for years and I actually asked them to cut it off at one point, but luckily a final operation sorted it.

Yeah it was an attack at work.

See thats what I'd hoped in my case, but obviously that's not happening now. I've also considered asking for it to be removed but I'm not quite there yet.

I don't know the full details of your issue, and whilst I can understand it may be serious, try and keep your spirits up as one thing I would say is over long periods of time, say another 5 to 10 years, issues can improve majorly. It can take a long time, but over long periods of time the body can get better in some unexpected ways.

Thanks pal, maybe this will happen but I'm not going to have false hope.
I will say, that even though I can use my leg, with a limp in cold weather, it still hurts 40 years later.
I can certainly see why people go the amputation route, but obviously that is a huge decision that has a major impact.

Thanks pal, I may get there yet.

In light of this, can you reopen the case against your attackers?

Unless they find out who the others are, and they never will that's not an option.

That sounds really awful, so sorry to hear that. And don't be daft, we're here for you and we want to know how you're getting on :)

As has been said, my memory is a bit vague but didn't the main culprit basically get off with it?

I really appreciate that mate, thanks!

So they only ever caught two of them, and yes pleaded guilty to affray in some dodgy backroom deal between barristers. So they got away with suspended sentences and community service.
@Vidar I remember your thread from when this happened and I've just gone back and read the whole thing. I'm really sad that you're in the condition you are but please don't give up hope that it may improve. My shoulder was badly damaged about three years ago and I was told that I'd only ever get very limited movement back. I've got a lot more than was ever expected so it can happen.

As Worthy said, don't be a dafty, come and post here with news and updates as much as you want.

Thanks, I guess I'm just feeling particularly vulnerable and unsure about myself at the moment.

See that's the thing, I've spent the past 4 and half years hoping things would improve and other than some minor nerve regeneration in one area it's just remained the same. The idea was that removing the metal work would help, well that's what I was hoping and have been working towards so this has been a particular blow. I do want you to be right though. I really do.

I remember the original thread. Shocking, absolutely shocking.

Maybe a daft thing to say, but can you get a second opinion....maybe from abroad? I know it will cost, but can you pay for at least a consultation and a second scan? We are limited to NHS resources, and you never know! Just an idea.

IIRC, there were a group of lads, some who were caught but wouldn't give the names of the others involved? I honestly don't know how people can sleep at night.

Looking from the outside, I would say not to become bitter and twisted about it all, but I know I would myself!

Personally, if there really is nothing left, and you have researched all options, I'd have it taken off. You don't want a life of being in pain.

You do remember correctly mate, that's one of the things I'm most angry about. That and the fact that I never got the opportunity to sit across those two scumbags in court and say my piece. That they just got to weasel out of it, and I was expected to just be happy with the outcome.

I'd love to go private and see what they say but disability benefits and personal independence payments don't stretch that far, particularly now my gas and electric bills have more than doubled. But everyone is in the same boat there so I shouldn't really complain.

I've really thought long and hard about amputation, long term it would certainly be less painful physically but there's lots of factors to consider other than how it affects me. I have to consider how it would affect my better half, and my two kids who live with me and it's a burden I don't think they, rather we could all cope with right now. Not with everything else going on, like all the legal stuff still going on around my eldest daughter and her unstable mother. I believe I'll get there one day, but right now unless they told me it was essential I couldn't do it.

Awful. I'm so sorry to hear it :(

Thank you, mate.

I think one of my frustrations at the moment is, what now? I'd hoped I was going to get better to have some sort of career in the future but as things stand now even the specialist disability careers advisor that I have has only been able to come with "Youtuber" to give me something to do.
I've stood on doors for many years, and had my fair share of nasty situations, you'll always have my sympathy pal - this would shock most of us in that trade.

What do you do for work now if that's not too forward of me to ask? I saw the light a few years back and put my licence away.

Thank you pal, it's certainly been eye opening!
I'm not able to work, the constant issues I have with my leg coupled with PTSD and issues around that aren't really conducive to gainful employment.
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