Ana de Armas fans told they can sue over Yesterday trailer

20 Oct 2002

Thoughts? I can't fathom how they got to the $5m number, the studio (or Amazon!) should offer to refund their $3.99 and that should be the end of it.

It's tricky, because trailers are created (and released) before movies are even finished. Not to mention, some trailers are considered 'teasers' and feature absolutely no material from the upcoming film. What about someone somewhere conservative like Saudi Arabia watching a US trailer on Youtube, then not seeing half the sex/fight scenes because they were cut from their local release? :confused:

Are we going to enter a world where trailers have to have text across the picture stating "this material is a preview only and may feature scenes not found in the advertised film" or something daft? :o Seems like some halfwit judge that knows nothing about the industry is opening a huge can of worms...

(I'm sure there was a thread on this originally, but I can't for the life of me find it)
@GreatAuk I totally get the points but at the end of the day there’s no way round it. Trailers are cut even before the film is finished, and creatively they’re not even cut by the studios themselves. All we’re going to end up with is those disclaimers plastered all over the trailers. I’d prefer it if everyone accepted that trailers don’t always show material from the film (dont forget some teasers that literally have nothing to do with the film itself) and we all get on with our lives :(

Teasing ADA in a film without her being in it, was quite the faux pas though!
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