Anaal Nathrakh.

26 Jan 2005
Hey guys,

Anyone else like these guys?

I recently bought their newest album 'Eschaton' after hearing "When the Lion devours both Dragon and Child" and i have to say its pretty intense!! :D

I love it!!

I want to get "The Codex Necro" but havent got the money at the moment.

Just thought i'd share this with everyone! :)
Yeah the Codex Necro is reknowned as being one of the most Extreme british metal records, rivalling Napalm Death's "Scum".

I need to get my hands on a copy sharpish!

Emperor are very good though, i've only got the obligatory "Anthems at the Welkin Dusk" and "In The Nightside Eclipse". But they're amazing, I love Ihsahn's solo album "The Adversary", brilliant stuff. So diverse.

This is a better example. It's what made me check them out.

When The Lion Devours Both Dragon and Child

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Indeed, after doing a little bit of research, its apparently the name for Merlin's Charm of Making, well, thats what good 'ol Wikipedia tells me anyway! ; :p
penski said:
Is it No swearing, Big Kev.

Scum was extreme for eight months in the late eighties.

AN are pretty good but certainly middle-of-the-road as far as 'heaviness'.

Their hardcore fans tend to be pillocks too.


Nah, Scum's always gonna be a landmark, just because stuff has beaten it since in terms of heaviness, doesnt mean squat. It's the fact it was one of the first and has since been copied copious amounts.

Anaal Nathrakh, are certainly not the heaviest of heavy, but thats coz they have songmanship instead of just being heavy for heavy's sake... ;)

Also, saying Anaal Nathrakh's hardcore fans tend to be pillocks is pretty silly, have you met every hardcore fan? You shouldn't really generalise. :rolleyes:
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I would say slagging off fans is generally cause for a :rolleyes: in the first place...

I made this thread to discuss and share the music, not to talk about the behaviour/ personality of their fans.

But thats my opinion, and i stick by it. :)
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